Thursday, December 30, 2010

Songs of the Week!

I've been having some trouble finding songs to share with you. A lot of the songs I want to share aren't available on You-tube, and that is the only way I can figure out how to send you directly to the song. If anyone knows of something better, please let me know! :)
I wanted to share with you all a couple of songs from one of my favorites Vedera (official site). The lead singer is a woman named Kristen May. I absolutely love her voice! I went to a concert they were a part of years ago, and I feel in love. I honestly got the biggest "Girl Crush" on her.
They used to be called Veda, but had to change their name because that name was already in use... I guess. Their first album in Weight of an Empty Room. I love the entire thing. One of the songs I am sharing with you, 'Satisfied", is a newer rendition of the song "Desire on Repeat". I love the older rendition much more. Their new album, Stages, is a gem as well, it's just more soft/poppy, if that is the right way to describe it! :) I suggest you check them both out and decide for yourself, or just love them both equally. I think I am a little partial to Weight of an Empty Room!

Click here to listen to "Loving Ghosts"
Click here to listen to "Satisfied"

Click here to listen to "Greater Than"

*All songs available on the album "Stages".
Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check them out!

Free Font Download!!

Click here to download. I love this site How About Orange, she has lots of free downloads and fun paper craft ideas! Enjoy!

I'm still here

Hey everyone, so I am still here, still alive. I needed to take a little break after Ralphy past, which ended up being a longer then planned break, but it has been a difficult month for me. How was everyone's Christmas? I had a hard time getting into the "Christmas Spirit" this year. Our tree didn't go up until the week before, I didn't listen to my favorite Christmas music, etc? Have you found it more difficult to feel that spirit? I remember Christmas as a child, it just felt so magical to me, but that feeling always lessened with every year. What is that? Has anyone else felt that way? This next year, I am determined to make it "magical" and spiritual to me. Maybe I have to find what it truly means for me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this time of year. I love being with my family. I love getting together with friends. I love giving gifts to others. I love the sweet smell in the air. But I want to turn it more on Christ, at least more personally for me... after all, that is what Christmas is all about right?!
I called this Christmas my "Home-made Christmas". I tried to make a lot of my gifts this year, and I will tell you what, it was not easy! It took a lot of hard work and time... but I loved it! I really enjoy giving something to someone special that you made yourself. It just puts a little more meaning to gift giving... for me anyway. I am planning to do it again... I just need to give myself more prep time! :) What were some of the things you did this year? I'd love to hear them!

So every year my sisters and I do a "Sister gift". It'n not usually anything big, but it's one of my favorite things about Christmas. I made some cute gift tags and necklaces this year, and some brown sugar body scrubs too. It was a lot of fun! But I wanted to share with you what my sweet sister Rachael did for us this year. It blew us all away. She painted us pictures of our beloved dogs, my Ralphy! I was so shocked when I opened my box, it put me to tears! I absolutely love it!

Here is the one she did for my sister Tessa of her pal Buddy.
This is the one of Ralphy she gave to my mom. It captures him perfectly!
Here is the one she did for me! My baby Ralphy, always with his tongue out!

What a wonderful surprise and gift that I will cherish always! Definitely one of the
BIGGEST highlights for me this year, and every year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Love Ralphy.

My sweetheart Ralphy passed away this last week. I am having a difficult time mourning his loss. I will be taking a break from this blog while I try and find peace again. He is my love and comfort, and I miss him with all my heart. I am so grateful he was such a special part of my life. I love you so much Ralphy!