Thursday, December 30, 2010

Songs of the Week!

I've been having some trouble finding songs to share with you. A lot of the songs I want to share aren't available on You-tube, and that is the only way I can figure out how to send you directly to the song. If anyone knows of something better, please let me know! :)
I wanted to share with you all a couple of songs from one of my favorites Vedera (official site). The lead singer is a woman named Kristen May. I absolutely love her voice! I went to a concert they were a part of years ago, and I feel in love. I honestly got the biggest "Girl Crush" on her.
They used to be called Veda, but had to change their name because that name was already in use... I guess. Their first album in Weight of an Empty Room. I love the entire thing. One of the songs I am sharing with you, 'Satisfied", is a newer rendition of the song "Desire on Repeat". I love the older rendition much more. Their new album, Stages, is a gem as well, it's just more soft/poppy, if that is the right way to describe it! :) I suggest you check them both out and decide for yourself, or just love them both equally. I think I am a little partial to Weight of an Empty Room!

Click here to listen to "Loving Ghosts"
Click here to listen to "Satisfied"

Click here to listen to "Greater Than"

*All songs available on the album "Stages".
Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check them out!

Free Font Download!!

Click here to download. I love this site How About Orange, she has lots of free downloads and fun paper craft ideas! Enjoy!

I'm still here

Hey everyone, so I am still here, still alive. I needed to take a little break after Ralphy past, which ended up being a longer then planned break, but it has been a difficult month for me. How was everyone's Christmas? I had a hard time getting into the "Christmas Spirit" this year. Our tree didn't go up until the week before, I didn't listen to my favorite Christmas music, etc? Have you found it more difficult to feel that spirit? I remember Christmas as a child, it just felt so magical to me, but that feeling always lessened with every year. What is that? Has anyone else felt that way? This next year, I am determined to make it "magical" and spiritual to me. Maybe I have to find what it truly means for me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this time of year. I love being with my family. I love getting together with friends. I love giving gifts to others. I love the sweet smell in the air. But I want to turn it more on Christ, at least more personally for me... after all, that is what Christmas is all about right?!
I called this Christmas my "Home-made Christmas". I tried to make a lot of my gifts this year, and I will tell you what, it was not easy! It took a lot of hard work and time... but I loved it! I really enjoy giving something to someone special that you made yourself. It just puts a little more meaning to gift giving... for me anyway. I am planning to do it again... I just need to give myself more prep time! :) What were some of the things you did this year? I'd love to hear them!

So every year my sisters and I do a "Sister gift". It'n not usually anything big, but it's one of my favorite things about Christmas. I made some cute gift tags and necklaces this year, and some brown sugar body scrubs too. It was a lot of fun! But I wanted to share with you what my sweet sister Rachael did for us this year. It blew us all away. She painted us pictures of our beloved dogs, my Ralphy! I was so shocked when I opened my box, it put me to tears! I absolutely love it!

Here is the one she did for my sister Tessa of her pal Buddy.
This is the one of Ralphy she gave to my mom. It captures him perfectly!
Here is the one she did for me! My baby Ralphy, always with his tongue out!

What a wonderful surprise and gift that I will cherish always! Definitely one of the
BIGGEST highlights for me this year, and every year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Love Ralphy.

My sweetheart Ralphy passed away this last week. I am having a difficult time mourning his loss. I will be taking a break from this blog while I try and find peace again. He is my love and comfort, and I miss him with all my heart. I am so grateful he was such a special part of my life. I love you so much Ralphy!

Friday, November 26, 2010

My Current Snack Obsessions!

Okay I have to share with you all my favorite snacks as of late... and probably of ALL TIME! Seriously, if you have not tried Tim Tams yet, you must run to your local Target and get some... Now! They are the most scrumptious... satisfying... to die for cookie you can buy! Trust me, if you are a fan of chocolate, these little cookies will curb your cravings! Well... then you'll just constantly want one with you at all times... but we don't need to get into that! :) ha ha!

Something else I must share with you...because it is so creamy and dreamy and delicious... is The Greek Gods' Honey & Strawberry Greek Yogurt! Okay this stuff is so dang good! You must try it, even if yogurt... or Greek yogurt particularly... freak you out! Try it... you will love this!

Song of the Week!

I have several songs to share with you all from "The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire. I really just love this whole album. I'd have to say it is the best album from Arcade Fire... some may not agree...but that is what I think! Arcade Fire is fronted by the husband-wife duo of Win Butler and Regine Chassagne. The band members play many instruments including the piano, violin, cello, xylophone, french horn, harp, etc... I'd love to see them live because they take most of their instruments on tour with them!

I don't love that I have to link you to youtube to listen to these songs, but as far as I know, that is the only way to do it!

Click to listen to "We Used to Wait".

Click to listen to "Suburban War".

Click to listen to "City with No Children".

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gift Idea's: My Favorite Lipstick!

I love reading about products that other's like to use. I always check out Pioneer Woman's favorite products and new finds. Today I wanted to share my new favorite lipstick with you all. For my brother's Wedding in September, I wanted to find a good lipstick to wear for the events. I normally wear Clinique make-up, but I was never super hot on their lipsticks. I decided to go to the Estee Lauder counter and, bam, there was my new favorite lipstick!! It's Estee Lauders Long Lasting Lipstick in Pink Parfait. I just love it! It's a little pricey, but so worth it! It lasts, it goes on smooth, it doesn't feel sticky, and it has a sweet smell that makes me want to eat it!
I also got some lip gloss for quick, on-the-run, touch-ups. It's Estee Lauder's High Gloss in Rose. It gives your lips a golden, shimmery, look. But it doesn't have those big, glittery chunks that some other lip gloss's have... which I hate. It goes on smooth, and it looks smooth and supple. Love it. Worth it.
By the way, I have always had a major "girl crush" on Carolyn Murphy (spokesmodel for Estee Lauder). She is just absolutely gorgeous! Don't you agree? Ha ha!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Song of the Week!

So every week, no particular day, I want to share with you a Song of the Week! What I've been listening to and what I love. If you know me well, you know that I love music, I love sharing good music, and I love being told about good music! I am a Rock n' Roll/ Indie girl. I grew up listening to the Progressive Rock my dad loves, and he would turn on a song (max volume), and quiz us on it!
This week I wanted to share a newer song from one of my favorite bands, Eisley. If you have not heard of them before, I suggest you check them out, and let me know what you think! Eisley is a group of sisters, a brother, and a cousin. They are from Texas, and formed Eisley in 1997 when sisters Chautelle and Sherri began creating music together. Some of their music influences are The Beatles, Jeremy Enigk, and Radiohead... some of my all time favorites...ever! I will for sure be sharing music from these groups in future weeks to come. Hurrah for Eisley!

Click here to listen to the song "Ambulance" by Eisley.

Also I would love to hear about your favorite songs or bands! Email me at

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fun and Easy T-Shirt Scarf Project!

With the T-shirts I gathered from the swap, I was able to make some funky scarfs! i made the first one at the top, and it was so much fun, I had to make a U of U Game Day scarf as well. My sister-in-law had to join in the fun too! I got the idea from the Kevin and Amanda blog, where she got the idea from another blog! I love this blog, she takes great pictures and has yummy recipes. So check it out, and click here to get step my step instructions on how to make this cute T-shirt scarf for yourself! If you have daughters, I'm sure they would love this project as well! I am going to make these with my Young Women's group soon!

Clothing Swap Finds!

The Clothing Swap was a big success once again! Thank you to all who came and donated clothes. I hope you all had fun! Of course I planned to take pictures, but it's too difficult when I'm hosting, and trying to go through all the clothes at the same time! Maybe next time I can get a few shots, but no promises! :)
We had a ton of clothes at this swap, and I think everyone left with a few good finds, including myself! I ended up "winning" two puffy vests! They are nice and warm and colorful!

I also got some cute brown yoga (aka cozy) pants! I love them! I also got a yoga bag to go with them, which is great because I've been wanting to take some classes sometime.

I also snatched a few T-shirts for the above scarf project. We will for sure be having another swap in the spring, so don't get ride of any clothes you no longer wear and save them for the next swap!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sleep! Finally!

So if you know me well, you know that I don't sleep very well at night. I have always been that way since I was a child. As a teenager, I turned my room into a cave. I covered the windows, put stickers on stereo lights, turned out every light I could, including the porch light, and called it good. My bedroom was in the basement, so it was nice and cool. So I like it chilly and dark at night. After Josh and I got married, I attempted to do the same to our bedroom. I got dark charcoal curtains, and then bought some sheets to double line them. It works fairly well. But I rarely get a good nights rest! We bought a new temper pedic mattress earlier this year, and that helped quiet a bit! I would definitely recommend one! But I still had sleeping problems.
My brother can be the same way, and for his birthday his wife gave him a "Sleep Mate" (pictured above), which is a light weight "white noise" maker. I gave it a try one night, and it helped a bit, but I think I needed to make some adjustments with the sound. One night wasn't enough to determine whether it was helpful or not. In my room growing up, I bought a little fan to make some "white noise" to help me sleep. I pulled out the fan (similar to above picture) last night to give it a try again in my bedroom. Now don't ask me why it took me so long to try this, but it helped me sleep pretty well! If you have trouble sleeping, give one of these a try, and see if it will help you too!
So... pros and cons of both:
*Sleep Mate Pros: Light weight, changeable pitches, good for travel, small (perfect for any room).
*Cons: Seemed a little too loud( but need more testing), expensive (around $50).
*Fan Pros: Has a pleasant sound, fairly lightweight, inexpensive (around $10)
*Cons: Not ideal for travel (when it's hard to get a good night's sleep!), can make the bedroom too cold because of the air circulation (especially in the winter)
I'm using the fan again tonight, and I am hoping to have better nights.... finally! I'll just grab an extra blanket if I need it. ;) Although, I am still considering the purchase of a Sleep Mate, I can see it being very helpful as well!
If you have trouble sleeping, give on of these devices a try! Let me know if it helps!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Great Flower Tutorial!

{image: How about Orange}
Are these super cute or what? I saw these darling flowers on another blog and just wanted to share them with you all. You make them from magazine or newspapers. I have a ton of old magazines, so these would be the perfect project! You can use them to finish off gifts, make a cute wreath, put together a fun bouquet for decor... oh the fun to be had. Click here to go to the blog How About Orange for instructions!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day Out!

So today Rachael and I spent some time with my mom for a day out! We decided it would be fun to shop close by (shopping!... not really...unfortunately it was mostly browsing :), so we went to Gardener's Village and Tia Pan! Both places were booming today! Little kids were dressed up running around G.V., with mom's chasing them, camera in hand. It was really funny.
We had to stop by the knitting shop because my mom is absolutely obsessed with knitting these days. I will show you down the road some of the amazing, adorable things she makes. You will love them! The knitting shop was filled with bright red and orange yarns... or at least that's what I was attracted to today!

In High School my girlfriends and I loved bonnets! We wanted to bring them back in style so badly! I think the movie Emma had recently come out. Seriously though, wouldn't it be great to dress up like that... at least once! Anyways, Rachael was looking at knitting patterns and came across the "modern bonnet"!! Isn't it adorable?! I would rock this bonnet like nobody's business... or at least I hope to. Mom, you must make this!
(Yes, that was a mannequin at the beach... I had to snap a picture because it's just hilarious!)

I absolutely love the fabric store, Pine Needles, at G.V. They have the cutest fabrics you can find, but it is a little pricey. I am working (when I can find the time :) on a quilt with a bunch of fabric I got here. I will show you all when it is finished! But if you have not been to Pine Needles yet, you seriously need to stop by. Even if it's just to look around and dream of all the cute quilts and crafts you could make... or someone else could make!
My one purchase today were these lovely little wool felt pieces. Yes, it is actual wool, not the polyester stuff you find at the craft store. I am so excited to see what cute little things I can put together with these pieces!

I love pumpkins when Autumn comes around. I seriously want to deck my house and front yard out with little pumpkins. G.V. had some gem of pumpkins to choose from today! Including ones covered in warts!!

Next we went to Tia Pan. I like going to Tia Pan because when you see something you like, you can usually afford to buy it! It's a fun place to just get idea's too.
Okay, but I saw this frame, and I had to take a picture of it. "What Happens at Grandma's , Stays at Grandma's." Okay, what? I hope I am not the only one who finds that just absolutely ridiculous! What?

Speaking of Grandma's, these pillows reminded me of this old shaggy carpet that used to be at my Grandma's house. They weren't yarn though, so they weren't gross. I actually found them kind of cute!

Another fun thing about Tia Pan is that they have funky jewelry, scarfs, and purses. It is definitely a fun place to go for a day out! I can't wait to go back and actually buy some stuff. I found a mirror I think will look great in my dining area, but silly me, I neglected to take a picture of it!
(Love all this cute jewelry)

So get your sisters or your girlfriends together for a Day Out! Where would you like to go?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Carmel Popcorn from Heaven!!

Okay, since it is Halloween this weekend, I wanted to make sure you all got this recipe now! This Carmel Popcorn is THE BEST!! I crave this deliciousness ALL...THE...TIME. It is dangerous to leave me alone with a bowl of this popcorn! So here it is... you MUST try it!

1/2 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup Karo syrup
*Bring to boil while stirring continuously

Add 1 can sweetened condensed milk
Stir until carmel forms a soft ball when put in cold water
(Its about 220 to 240 degrees F on a candy thermometer)
*Usually takes about 10 or so minutes

Remove from heat
Add 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Pour over three gallons of freshly popped popcorn.
Stir until evenly coated.

Now taste it... while it's warm and gooey. It's heavenly...
and you will find yourself with sticky fingers until the bowl is empty! :)

Set your watches

Don't forget, set your watches! The 3rd Semi-Annual Clothing Swap is next Friday (November 5th). If you would like to come, and have not received an invite, shoot us an email at We will be sure to send one to you pronto! It's going to be insanely fun! Hurray for free shopping!..... :)

We are back, but we are not the same!

Hey everyone, Andree here. So when we started this blog last year, we set it up so that every month we had a new "issue" come out, like you were getting your monthly magazine in the mail. At least that was our original vision... but... it just didn't work. Blogs are not like magazines, they are continually updated. Otherwise, just stick with your monthly magazines, right? So we stopped blogging to take some time and really think about what Metree "Monthly" needed to be. I felt that it needed to be more real, more personal, more me (we, you)! This is Metree after all, and it needs to hold up to it's name!
When we originally chose the name Metree, it was all about family. Mecham is my and Rachael's maiden name. The Mecham trio originally consisted of my brother Ian, Rachael, and I. Anyways, we really liked the name. It was unique! So when Rachael and I were trying to come up with a name to represent us, we chose to stick with Metree, but we wanted to expand the meaning more literally. Me (you) as a tree! We thought about all the different meanings of tree's. They are strong, no two tree's are alike (unique), they represent family with roots and branches, they symbolize growth, they are constantly changing, branching out and learning, they protect, and provide. I can really go on and on... but you get the idea. Tree's Rock!
We want to embody that spirit! We want to learn and grow together, share idea's, start conversations, share our passions, and have FUN! So, long story short, Metree is back, and we are striving to make it better then ever, updated regularly, more personal and fun!